OLAVO SETUBAL graduated in Engineering from the Polytechnic School of USP. His first venture was Artefatos Deca (Deca Artifacts) opened in 1943. Having been devoted to Accounting studies, he used it as the foundation of the projects he took: Duratex, the Sao Paulo windmill and, in 1959, the Federal Credit Bank (Itaú’s forerunner). At the bank, Olavo Setubal instituted major administrative changes and began its expansion through mergers and incorporations.
In 1975, he departs from the bank board in order to become mayor of Sao Paulo, which lasted until 1979. His management was marked by the revitalization of the city and the emphasis on the transit of citizens in public spaces. Olavo Setubal was also Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1985 and 1986.
ALFREDO EGYDIO DE SOUZA ARANHA graduated from Largo de São Francisco Law School. He was public defender, state representative for three terms and also director of Caixa Econômica Federal in the late 1930s.
A great entrepreneur, Alfredo Egydio worked in the textile industry, with Fiação Tecelagem São Paulo, supported the newspaper A Razão (The Reason), until taking over the Italian Brazilian General Insurance Company, Itaú Seguros’ forerunner. In 1945, he founded the Central Bank of Credit, which stood out in the national scene due to its austerity in the conduction of banking business. Alfredo Egydio, once at the head of the bank since its founding, in 1959 departs from the institution, leaving it in the hands of Olavo Setubal and Eudoro Villela.
WALTHER MOREIRA SALLES started in the business area still a law student, when he became his father's business partner in Casa Moreira Salles, in 1933. The property later became the Moreira Salles Banking House, Unibanco’s forerunner.
Walther Moreira Salles held several positions in his public career, including Brazil's Ambassador in Washington on two occasions (1952-1953 and 1959-1961) and Minister of Finance (1961-1962). The Ambassador also undertook business negotiations that formed the Moreira Salles Group, involving, as well as the financial market, the energy, steel and chemical sectors.
EUDORO VILLELA graduated in medical school in 1928 from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was dedicated to research the diagnosis of cancer, having worked at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Curie Foundation. His activity as an entrepreneur began in the 1950s with his studies for the manufacturing of wood fiber sheets with Brazilian Eucalyptus, an enterprise that would become Duratex SA. Eudoro joined the Federal Credit Bank in 1948, where he would be CEO from 1961 to 1975. He initiated the administrative modernization of the bank and encouraged mergers and incorporations that have led to its expansion. Eudoro Villela was a major developer of technological innovations that updated the banking operations of Itaú.
FERNÃO BRACHER graduated from Largo de São Francisco Law School, majoring in Germany. He opted for banking activities, having worked for Banco da Bahia (Bahia Bank), Atlântica- Boavista Insurance Group and Bradesco, until joining the Central Bank of Brazil, taking over the presidency of the institution from 1985 to 1987. In 1988, he opened BBA Creditanstalt, which fused with Itaú in 2002, forming the largest wholesale bank in the country, Itaú BBA.
JOÃO MOREIRA SALLES graduated in Accounting in 1908. He had always been dedicated to the coffee business, until he founded Casa Moreira Salles in 1919, in Pocos de Caldas. This property, which in 1924 would receive a charter from the federal government making official its functioning as a banking department, was promoted to Banking House in 1931. Due to coffee business negotiations, João Moreira Salles moves to Santos in 1924, devoting himself increasingly to his Commissioner House. In 1945 and 1946 he was president of the prestigious Commercial Association of Santos.
MILÚ VILLELA graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Sao Paulo. She excelled as an entrepreneur and philanthropist when idealizing the Desperar Community Association, a professional project of social inclusion for disadvantaged young people in the underprivileged areas of Sao Paulo..
She became director of Itaú Cultural Institute in 2001. Milú had a remarkable training for the position; since 1995 she had been president of the Museum of Modern Art of Sao Paulo (MAM), where she developed an innovative and competent management. In almost a decade ahead of the IIC, she has left her mark with the renewal of activities, themes and practices.
PEDRO MOREIRA SALLES graduated in Economics and History from the University of California and holds a Master's degree in International Relations from Yale University.
He joined Unibanco in 1989 as Council member; he became president of the Council in 1998. In 1991, he became vice president of Unibanco. In this position he conducted an extensive negotiation that culminated in the acquisition of Banco Nacional (the National Bank) in 1995. He was named president of Unibanco in 2004, bringing a major restructuring.
With the merger in 2008, he became the chairman of Itaú Unibanco's Board of Directors.
RICARDO VILLELA MARINO graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnical School of the University of Sao Paulo. He holds a Master in Business Administration from the Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Cambridge.
He joined Itaú after working for Garantia and Goldman Sachs. He initially worked in Itaú's cards and treasury departments and, at the time of the merger between Itaú and Unibanco, he was responsible for Personnel Management. Today he is Itaú Unibanco’s vice president in Latin America.
ROBERTO SETUBAL graduated in Production Engineering at USP Polytechnic School and holds a Master's degree in Engineering from Stanford University.
He went through several departments at Itaú, until he became president in 1994. In the same year, with the establishment of the Plano Real (Real Plan), he headed the restructuring of the banking activity to the adaptation to currency stability.
Still at Itaú, he proposed the color change in the brand, replacing the black for blue; he increased the foreign expansion with the arrival of the bank in Argentina and was in charge of acquisitions of state banks that were put up for auction by the government.
In 2008, with the merger between Itaú and Unibanco, Roberto Setubal became the president of the new institution.
CANDIDO BRACHER graduated in Social Sciences from the University of Sao Paulo and in Business Administration from FGV. He was director of Bahia Corretora (Bahia Brokerage), manager of Banco da Bahia (Bahia Bank) Investments, director and executive vice president of the Development Bank of the State of Sao Paulo (Badesp) and director of Banco Itamarati (Itamarati Bank). In 1988 he participated in the founding of BBA Creditanstalt, of which he became director. In 2003 he assumed the vice presidency of Itaú BBA, reaching the presidency of the institution in 2005.